Less Stress.
More Serenity.

When things get out of hand, use tried and tested tools to manage stress, get back in control, and keep going with confidence.

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Create your own way to better manage stress.

Life puts a lot of tasks and expectations on you. The Relaxed Cow guides you to build your personal roadmap to relaxation and resilience. And you’ll find lots of tools to choose from, so go ahead and claim back your life.

Do it your way

Start with what matters most to you. Choose the tools that are right for you and your situation. Proceed at your own pace.

Find quick relief

Some tools take just minutes or even seconds and can be applied at any time during the day. Use them whenever you need a little relief.

Fix for good

Some tools aim to analyze the root causes of your stress, change or build habits, or do other things to create lasting improvements on your path to serenity.


This site is currently under development.

I intend to collect tools on productivity, stress management, relaxing and getting along with your life. All the tools will be explained in detail, and most of them have been used by myself. Thus, you will get the opinion of someone who has actually tried it for real. Interested? Stay tuned…